Immune to getting hurt at beginning of game
Fury +20% (LV1)/ 30% (LV2)/ 40% (LV3)
Win Single Player race with you only crossing, TR & EXP +100% (LV1)/ TR & EXP +150% (LV2)/ TR & EXP +200% (LV3)
Win Team or Relay Race, TR & EXP + 50% (LV1)/ TR & EXP +70% (LV2)/ TR & EXP +100% (LV3)

Price: 69800 TR
Released: October 31, 2008

Immune to getting hurt at beginning of game
Free Chat Box for unlimited use at LV3
All Red Ghosts -15% (LV1)/ -30% (LV2)/ -50% (LV3)
Complete any race and get TR +0-100 (LV1)/ +0-200 (LV2)/ +0-300 (LV3)
Complete any race and get EXP +0-10 (LV1)/ +0-20 (LV2)/ +0-30 (LV3)

Price: 1800 gPotatoes
Released: October 31, 2008

Flying Pig
Immune to getting hurt at beginning of game
Free Chat Box for unlimited use at LV3
Complete any race and get TR +30% (LV1)/ +55% (LV2)/ +100% (LV3)

Price: 1800 gPotatoes
Released; December 17, 2008

Immune to getting hurt at beginning of game
Free Chat Box for unlimited use at LV3
Luck is increased to +20%
Complete any race and get TR & EXP +0-20% (LV1)/ +0-40% (LV2)/ +0-77% (LV3)
In relay and team, get TR & EXP +0-10% (LV1)/ 0-15% (LV2)/ 0-30% (LV3)

Price: ???
Released: February 11, 2009

Immune to getting hurt at beginning of game
Get in Top 3, TR +25% (LV1)/+50% (LV2)/+80% (LV3)
Team Wins, +10% TR (LV1)/ +20% TR, +10% EXP (LV2)/ +30% TR, +20% EXP (LV3)

Price: ???
Released: ???

Immune to getting hurt at beginning of game
Complete any race and get TR & EXP +15% (LV1)/  +30% (LV2)/ 50% (LV3)
+1 Acceleration (LV1)/ +1 Acceleration & Speed (LV2)/ +1 To All Stats (LV3)

Price: ???
Released: ???

Immune to getting hurt at beginning of game
Free Chat Box for unlimited use at LV3
Luck +20% (LV1)/ +30% (LV2)/ +50% (LV3)
Spring Dash +20% (LV1)/ +30% (LV2)/ +50% (LV3)
Dash Duration +20% (LV1)/ +30% (LV2)/ +50% (LV3)
All Red Ghosts -20% (LV1)/ -30% (LV2)/ -50% (LV3)
Get in Top 3, TR & EXP +30% (LV1)/ +50% (LV2)/ +80% (LV3)

Price: ???
Released: ???

Immune to getting hurt at beginning of game
Complete any race and get +10% TR & EXP (LV1)/ +20% (LV2)/ +30% (LV3)
Luck +10% (LV1)/ +20% (LV2)/ +30% (LV3)
Fury +30% (LV1)/ +45% (LV2)/ +65% (LV3)

Price: ???
Released: ???

Immune to getting hurt at beginning of game
Complete any race and get +10% TR & EXP (LV1)/ +20% (LV2)/ +30% (LV3)
Luck +10% (LV1)/ +20% (LV2)/ +30% (LV3)
Fur +30% (LV1)/ +45% (LV2)/ +65% (LV3)

Price: ???
Released: ???

Immune to getting hurt at beginning of game
Free Chat Box for unlimited use at LV3
Complete any race and get +20% TR & EXP (LV1)/ +30% (LV2)/ +50% (LV3)
Luck +10% (LV1)/ +20% (LV2)/ +30% (LV3)
Ghost Shield +10% (LV1)/ +25% (LV2)/ +50% (LV3)
Red Ghost -10% (LV1)/ -15% (LV2)/ -25% (LV3)

Price: ???
Released: ???

Immune to getting hurt at beginning of game
Free Chat Box for unlimited use at LV3
Complete any race and get +20% TR & EXP (LV1)/ +30% (LV2)/ +50% (LV3)
Luck +10% (LV1)/ +20% (LV2)/ +30% (LV3)
Red Ghost (to other players) +10% (LV1)/ +25% (LV2)/ +50% (LV3)
Fury +10% (LV1)/ +15% (LV2)/ +25% (LV3)

Price: ???
Released: ???

Immune to getting hurt at beginning of game
Free Chat Box for unlimited use at LV3
Complete any race and get +10% TR & EXP (LV1)/ +15% (LV2)/ +25% (LV3)
Luck +10% (LV1)/ +20% (LV2)/ +30% (LV3)
Fury +20% (LV1)/ +30% (LV2)/ +45% (LV3)

Price: ???
Released: ???

Immune to getting hurt at beginning of game
Free Chat Box for unlimited use at LV3
Complete any race and get +10% TR & EXP (LV1)/ +15% (LV2)/ +25% (LV3)
Luck +10% (LV1)/ +20% (LV2)/ +30% (LV3)
Dash Duration +20% (LV1)/ +30% (LV2)/ +45% (LV3)

Price: ???
Released: ???

Immune to getting hurt at beginning of game
Free Chat Box for unlimited use at LV3
Complete any race and get +0-50 TR (LV1)/ +0-100 (LV2)/ +0-150 (LV3)
Complete any race and get +0-15 EXP (LV1)/ +0-25 EXP (LV2)/ +0-50 EXP
Dash Duration +15% (LV1)/ +30% (LV2)/ +50% (LV3)

Proce: ???
Released: ???