Alchemy Guide

1. Buy "Formulas/Recipes" with TR or Game Portal Currency (gPotatoes). With this, players can get the materials (cards) for the Alchemy Item they want.

2. If you have the "Formula/Recipes", it'll show the item and requirements for the item. The more luck you have, the more chance of the stats to be better.

3. Here is where you can view all the cards you have. From commons (1 Star), uncommon (2 Star), rare (3 Stars), super rare (4 Stars) and deluxe (5 Stars).

4. Here is where you dismantle Alchemy items for cards. The price is 5000 TR for each dismantling.

1. Players choose the tab they want for what Formula they want. From left to right:
Transformations: Transform into a character, examples are Alice (in Wonderland) and Jack (and the Beanstalk).
Clothing: Clothing for your characters. Give stats and bonuses for your character.
Accessories/Misc.: Items for your head, back, neck and hands. Similar to clothes.
Pets: Pets that give regular bonuses. Except they add stats unlike normal pets.
Other: Stuff like chat boxes (example: have pet icons in corner) or Billboards and more.

2. Players choose what character they want for items. Most items work for all characters but there are some "character/gender-only" items.

3. This shows the categories for "Materials", "Buy/Bought" and "Gift".
3.1: The cards required to make the item. From left to right: Card Number, Card Name, Card Description, Number of Cards You Have of That Card, Cards Needed. It will be green if you have the required amount, will be red if you don't.
3.2: This shows if you have bought the Formula/Recipe. In the Top Left Hand corner, it will show if you bought it, plus it will show the item image and will usually be golden.
3.3: This shows if you have gift it. In the Top Left Hand corner, it will show if you gifted it. Will usually be purple to indicate you gifted it and not yet bought it.

NOTE: If you want to buy or gift an item of a certain level, you must obtain that level. By that, you must first complete a LV1 Alchemy Item, then LV2, then LV3 and so on.

1. Players choose the type of Formula/Recipe they want.

2. Players choose what character they want for the items.

3. This shows how much done you are to acquire the item. The bar will rise as you progress.
3.1: Shows the cards required to view the item.
3.2: Shows what is done for the recipe. Green means you finished and red means you don't meet the requirements.